Zint screenshot: a terminal with graphical components

Terminal's flexibility.

Web UI's interactivity.

Choose two.

Zint is an enhanced terminal app that supports piping shell command outputs into React components.
  • No credit card required
  • Free early access to alpha version (MacOS)

Enjoy Graphical UIs, right in your terminal !

Do you spend lots of time in a terminal enjoying its flexibility and composability, but feel limited when it comes to displaying structured data, large files or rich content ?

Here are a few examples of things that can be done with Zint:

Open multimedia files
Display any kind of file that a browser could display : PDF, image, audio, video, SVG...open a PDF as simply as : cat file.pdf | zint
Create an simple data labelling tool in minutes
No need for any complex platform to get a Web UI to label some data. Write a simple React component that displays your data and gathers the label, and get started with a simple shell for loop!label a lot of files with a simple for loop
Plot an interactive graph of your data
display the raw data in the terminal
normal terminal command : cat AAPL.csv
pipe the csv into a Chart React component
with a react component : cat AAPL.csv | zint chart
Finding out what takes space on your disk
pipe "du" into a grep command to get the largest files
normal terminal command : du | grep to try to find big files
pipe "du" into a Flame Graph React component
with a react component : du | zint flamegraph, browse the files sizes using an interactive Flame Graph

Private and Secure

If you see a terminal running arbitrary Web components and your first thought is What could possibly go wrong?, rest assured that we thought a lot about that.

We make extensive use of the security features offered by Electron in order to ensure that your machine and data stays safe.

Sandboxed, untrusted components

Web components are sandboxed in their own <iframe> and they have no access to the terminal, the other running components, or Electron APIs.

Rogue components won't be able to run commands on your system.

100% Offline and local

Web components, not web access. All requests from the Web components are blocked.

Your ls -l command is not going to be uploaded to the cloud to optimize your experience.

Zero data collection
We do not collect any data about the commands you run, the components you use, or anything else.

Our business model ? We sell software to our users.

First feature alt text

Fully extensible

We ship a few base web components but you can install any new components shipped separately, or build your own.

Pre-built components

Installing a new pre-built Zint component is as easy as copying a zip file.

Custom components

Do you have a cool React component you want to use? Package it for Zint in 5 minutes!

Second feature alt text
Yes, it's an Electron app. But it's based on the extremely performant Xterm.js, GPU accelerated, and the web components are loaded dynamically. It's quite fast!
Multi-tabs & Multi-windows
Open several terminal tabs and windows with a key stroke. The web components are also running in their own tabs. Multi-panes coming soon.
Works through SSH
The React components are installed locally on your Mac and can be invoked while working on any machine (Mac/Linux) through SSH.
Works with any shell
No need to change anything about your shell, Zint should work right away.
Frequently Expected Questions

Any Questions?

Is it/Will it be available on Windows ? Linux ?

At this early stage, we focus on MacOS. It is available for both M1 and Intel Mac. But as an Electron app we will be able to port it to Linux and Windows.

The zint command running inside the shell is available on MacOS and Linux.

Does it support only React?

We started with React, but the design based on iframes should allow for other libraries or frameworks to be used in the future.

Is this Open Source?

The app is a commercial product and hence closed-source. The zint command that you run inside the shell is a small binary written in Rust which is open-source.

Anything else?

Join us on Discord and ask away!

Want to give it a try ?

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